Do you ever had that feeling that you are stuck and it's hard to level up? Or you just don't find any quests? Well, then this World of Warcraft Classic leveling guide is for you. In this article I will help you at leveling in WoW , give you some tips about macros and addons.

Do you ever had that feeling that you are stuck and it's hard to level up? Or you just don't find any quests? Well, then this World of Warcraft Classic leveling guide is for you. In this article I will help you at leveling in WoW , give you some tips about macros and addons.

So, let's start with the basics. Which World of Warcraft classes and races, and some combos.

There are 8 races in classic World of Warcraft : Dwarf, Gnome, Human and Night Elf in Alliance; Troll, Orc, Tauren and Undead in Horde. Apex Legends Boost

And the World of Warcraft Vanilla classes are : Druid, Hunter, Mage, Paladin, Priest, Rogue, Shaman, Warlock, Warrior.

Now let's check some combinations from Horde : if you want to play as a Druid you must choose Tauren.

If you choice is Hunters, and you want to play PVE go for the Trolls because of their passive abilites : Berserking (+attack and casting speed) and Bow Specialization (important in Vanilla). But if you want to world PVP (because Vanilla doesn't have Arena, it will be available from The Burning Crusade), go with the Orcs, because their passive increases your chance by 25% to dodge some CC's.

Mages are very good at PVE (AOE farms for ex.), and if you want to go on this line pick Trolls because of Berserking. Undead in PVP because of their Will of the Forsaken (provides immunity to charm, fear and sleep effects for 5 seconds, very OP ability in Classic).

For Priests, Troll for PVE and Undead for PVP (the reason for this is mentioned above).

If you are a "Rogue guy" and you like to farm Ragnaros and his other friends, pick the Orcs because of Blood Fury (+25 melee attack power for 15s at the cost of reduced healing effects on the user by 50% for 25s) and Undead in PVP.

Now, ranged DPS and healer Shamans should be Trolls and for melee, Orcs, for PVE, for PVP , Undead.

With Warlock, Orcs and Undead match.

Warriors, they are a bit complicated : Orcs for DPS, Tauren for tank and Undead for PVP.

 Now, let's check the Alliance.

If you want a Druid you can only choose it with a Night Elf. Also, Hunters are a good match with the Night Elves too.

Gnomes are a good choice for Mages and Warlocks (+5% intellect).

Humans for Paladin & Rogue & Warrior and Priests, because of their Sword and Mace Specialization and for the +5% Spirit.

 Okay, now that we know our World of Warcraft classes and races, let's check the World of Warcraft Classic leveling zones (not all of them, just the popular and useful ones).

 For Horde : you will be starting in Durotar/Mulgore/Tristfal Glades. You will be leveling at the start area until you reach level 12. After that, you will be going to Barrens, and you will level to 15 there. You can go to Stonetalon for 1 level or farm mobs in the Barrens (with Skinning/Leatherworking I would recommend you to farm mobs). Then, level from 16 to 21 in the Barrens again. From 21 go to Stonetalon until you reach 25. Then, head to Ashenvale. Level until 29, then go to Thousand Needles. From 34, go to Stranglethorn Vale. After you reached 36, head to Arathi Highlands and stay there until 38 (maybe even 39, depends on how you play). Go back to Stranglethorn Vale for 4-5 levels (farm mobs too). From 43, go to Dustwallow Marsh 'til 45. Then go to Tanaris. It's getting harder to level, so go to Azshara until 47.Then, Stranglethorn Vale again until the end of 48 or 49. Head to Tanaris again and try to get to 51. From there, Un'Goro Crater will be your next zone (there will be a lot of gold farmers, if you got Skinning, this will be a very good place to get gold) for 3 levels. Winterspring will get you to 56, then Western Plaguelands and Eastern Plaguelands will get you to 60.

For Alliance : you will be starting in Teldrassil/Dun Morogh/Elwynn Forest.  Level there from 1-12. Then go to Darkshore for 5 levels. After that, level from 17-20 in Loch Modan. From 20, you have to follow the Horde guide. Rainbow Six Siege Ranks

Join the "LFG" and "world" chat's so you can find people to do dungeons. If you do 1/2 dungeon per day it will almost give you 1 level and even some gear if you are lucky enough.


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