Dangerous Roads in Arizona

Vehicles are today’s main mode of transportation. That means that roads are pretty important, too. For the most part, Arizona does a good job of designing, building, and maintaining safe roads, but they’re not all perfect. Some roads are downright treacherous, and you need to be careful when you’re driving on them. Phoenix Accident Lawyer

Knowing which roads are dangerous could help you avoid being involved in a car accident. If you know that the road is dangerous, you might want to stay alert and give driving the attention it deserves. Below are some of the most dangerous roads in Arizona.

Arizona’s Dangerous Roads

Interstate 10

It’s hard to get around Arizona without using the I-10 at some point. Interstate 10 is a long highway that runs through many of the major cities including Phoenix. For the most part, I-10 has been well designed and is considered relatively safe as far as highways go. However, you can still be injured on this major highway due to many different factors.

For one thing, the highway often has several lanes of traffic, which can get confusing and lead to collisions. Such a busy interstate is often crowded with traffic, meaning congestion and accidents. Additionally, construction can be commonly found on this busy interstate. You could get mixed up by construction signs and cones and end up getting into an accident.

U.S. Highway 93

Another road that could give you some trouble is U.S. Highway 93. This freeway is dangerous for different reasons. Watch out for cars entering and exiting this highway at high speeds. Multiple lanes often contribute to accidents, especially when the highway gets closer to the Phoenix area.

Interstate 17

Interstate 17 is a major interstate that you will most likely be traveling on at some point if you live in Arizona. I-17 passes through the Phoenix area and heads on up to the northern part of Arizona. This freeway is dangerous for many reasons. It’s often littered with semi-trucks, and it’s a winding road that is often covered in snow and ice when you get up north.

Get in Touch with a Phoenix Car Accident Lawyer

If you’ve been hurt on one of Arizona’s dangerous roads, you may be considering filing a personal injury claim. Your claim could allow you to recover a settlement for your accident and related damages. Filing and winning a claim can be tough, which is why a number of people will get a lawyer’s help. Remember, you have only two years in Arizona to bring a car accident claim.


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