Athlon Neos Rifle Scope Review

I’ve been pretty busy for about a week so it’s taken me a little longer than what I would have liked to finish this Athlon Neos Review.

After this review, I’m going to start going over a couple of other brands. If you didn’t know already, we are not officially selling Vortex and Leupold, which adds to our line of high quality optics. Very excited and honored to be selling such incredible brands!

The Neos is the smallest scope I’ve reviewed so far, and I ran into the same types of challenges with it’s tests that I ran into with the Talos BTR and the Midas HMR. The objective lens is much smaller than anything I’ve reviewed thus far (40mm), the magnification is low, and it doesn’t have a complicated reticle.

I honestly liked the change of pace though. For those of you who like hunting scopes, it’s a very good and albeit inexpensive buy, this model coming in just over $100.

For shooters more like me who aren’t as much into the hunting sport but still love to shoot, it’s a good scope for range plinking and putting on a smaller gun for short range groups practice. I’m actually going to put it on a 22 I’m buying this summer and use it for that purpose. Athlon Optics Sunshade Bundle

We end up selling quite a few during the fall as it comes on hunting season, and for good reason. The scope held up pretty well under our tests.

But why take my word for it? Let’s get started with the Athlon Neos Review!

The Athlon Neos Rifle Scope

The Neos is part of Athlon’s low cost hunting line. It was designed with a decent amount of features, but nothing unnecessary so the cost didn’t go up too much.

And as far as scopes go, it is the least expensive one Athlon offers. Depending on the magnification and the reticle you select, the Neos you get can cost anywhere from $89.99 to $159.99.

Which makes it the least expensive scope we’ve reviewed, by far! The Talos BTR was $299.99 and the closest contender.

Which gives it more selection than a lot of the models we’ve been looking at.

Now given the price point, we can’t be expecting Razor HD or ETR quality here. That being said, we’re still going to run it through the battery of tests we normally put scopes through.

In the Optical Quality test, we performed the same tests we performed on the Midas HMR, adjusting the scoring and test to reflect the lower magnification setting (the model I used was the 4-12x40mm Center X).

This was to ensure it got a fair scoring by both not punishing it for not being able to zoom as far (i.e. true glass quality) and by weighing against it this same factor.

Features Score

Now it’s no surprise the Neos did not stack up neck and neck with the Vortex Razor HD Gen II, which is the benchmark we are using to judge the score of a rifle scope’s features quality.

We do this because the Razor HD Gen II has just about every feature you would want on a scope. And it’s my opinion that if a scope has every single one of those feature, it would also have everything you want, thus a 100% score.

Tracking Score

I was pretty impressed with the Neos tracking score and it’s turrets. The clicks are crisp and very defined (not the case on the Crossfire ii) and tracking was pretty spot on.

Optical Quality Score

Last but not least, the Optical Quality score. The Neos performed very very well for a scope with an objective lens of 40mm.

The multi-coated optics helped with this I think. If you don’t know already, what multi-coated optics do is reduce the amount of light that bounces off the glass, allowing more of the light to pass through.


The Athlon Neos Rifle Scope is a high quality line of hunting scopes by Athlon Optics. Yet again, the company has done an excellent job at providing high quality optics for an affordable price.

The Neos got a final score of 287.62/355, which is an 81%. Considering this is comparing the scope up next to A sopes like the Vortex Razor HD Gen II, I’m very impressed.

I think this score reflects the caliber of not only the features, but of the quality of the features. Remember, the Neos got a great tracking score and a great Optical Quality score, making this a very high quality optic, and generating good bang for your buck. Best Rifle Scope videos

For hunters not wanting to drop a ton of cash, any one of these will be a good fit for you. You have your choice of reticle and magnification, now all you gotta do is decide what works for your situation.


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