EscortIndex -


I hear you are taking a trip out of town soon and for business reasons. Business reasons be damned to hell! Just confess your trip is all about tasting fresh poontang and drowning in clean escort pussy! Confess now and I will go easy on you!

Anyway, if you are traveling somewhere and happen to be bored and lonely, escorts can get you excited about the world again. You can hire them by the bucketload on sites like Escortindex. This is an escort indexing site that I will be reviewing today, all so that you can know if it is a safe place to dip that long and greedy cock of yours into!

Better tune in for this Escort Index review or face eternal punishment!

The Escort Index Homepage Is Bleh

Ever seen the Escort Index homepage? Why, it is about as bare and attractive as the shaven butt of your mutt! There’s no flash, style or dazzle to be seen and you get to worrying if perhaps you logged into the wrong site by mistake.

At the top of the page is Escort Index written in pink color, with the rest of the page being essentially a blank sheet of paper on which varied links are attached. Very near the top is a search bar, plus options to search for escorts via images. That is, you can upload an image of an escort or include the image URL, which is pretty nifty. A calendar is there as well, but its utility is unclear.

The rest of the homepage is filled with towns and cities in North America, and we are talking about every main city, including the District of Columbia. Scroll to the bottom and you get to see that the UK has a single listing- for London. So does Mexico, while Australia has 4 listings- for Adelaide, Melbourne, Brisbane, and Sydney.

Need to contact the site owners and bitch about something or the other? Well, there’s a Contact link on the bottom of the page. But perhaps your time would be better spent going through the FAQ link in the same location.

The Escorts In Escort Index

There are rumors the escorts on this site were arranged and curated by a brain-dead moron. I initially discounted such slander, only to visit the site and soon got convinced that there must be some hard facts to the rumor.

See, while it does have a lot of escorts, the escorts in Escort Index are simply not arranged in good order. It would have been nice to arrange them by age, name, body type, or something, but they are simply lumped together. That means if you are searching for escorts in Boston, you need to go through the entire escort listing for that city because there’s nothing to curate them with. Sure you could search for escorts by photo, but how is that going to happen when you haven’t yet seen the escort you want?

Escorts also lack bios of any sort, with only pictures and their phone numbers provided. The phone numbers usually have the last 3 digits blanked out, which means you can’t simply call up the escort you like. And there’s something more. There seem to be escorts with multiple numbers, who also happen to be located in multiple cities at the same time. That’s some magical stuff right there! Vintage XXX Sites

For example, when I went through the list of Boston escorts, one of these sluts caught my fancy. She had long and curly hair, a meaty but toned body, tattoos, a big bust, and a rather pretty face. She in Boston, right? Well, scrolling to the bottom of her ad showed that the same pics and different phone numbers were used in 10 other ads on Escort Index.

Now, I don’t know how an escort can be in 10 different places at the same time or what she could be doing with 10 different phone numbers, but like I said, that’s some impressive magical stuff right there!

Scams And Ads

There are plenty of pop-up ads on Escort Index. Plus other ads on the site itself. The girls here do not appear to have been verified in any way, which means there’s a very good chance that most profiles are fake. That means if you do succeed in booking an escort, the girl who shows up for the meet will have as much chance of looking like her profile image as I do of winning the lottery this week!

You will soon find the same images used over and over again, and by escorts in different cities. That’s a sure sign that things are not legit.


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