The importance of Cybersecurity


John Barksdale, technology innovator and blockchain angel investor, takes personal pride in the Cybersecurity that he has implemented on the various projects he has advised on. John Barksdale Ormeus

Cybersecurity, also called IT protection, is a process of securing online, internet-based systems. It keeps safe, sensitive data from viruses and other cyber threats. This security supports programs across hardware and software, including data servers, mobiles, blockchain-based wallets, and other automated systems and data from attacks. If companies question their need for cybersecurity, we can easily create a range of reasons, but it all comes down to the fundamental importance of protection. No matter how insignificant some information may seem it can be dangerous in the hands of hackers. A data leak from a hack can jeopardize the privacy of individuals, leaking financial information, secure health data, unique data such as private keys, passwords, intellectual property, etc. John Barksdale began his serious investigation into the quality of Cybersecurity when he became the advisor to the Ormeus Ecosystem project. Mr. Barksdale emphasizes that any responsible corporation should take a crucial role in maintaining safe administrative and business data from hackers with a well-thought-out cybersecurity plan. John Barksdale scam

Importance of cybersecurity for businesses

There are numerous dangers for businesses that have vulnerabilities in their cybersecurity. Here are some of the top methods that hackers use to exploit weak security levels. John Barksdale Ormeus

• Malware attack

The malware attacks can encrypt the business data and lock it to demand a ransom from a company. Malware can easily attack the data saved in business servers or their cloud. To keep a business safe from such attacks, the company must back up the sensitive data in several places. Companies should also have the latest antivirus software to keep safe their data from such attacks. 

• Data recovery

Companies should recover their data daily. Data recovery is the process of salvaging lost or corrupted data from secondary storage space. This keeps the data safe if their system suddenly fails to work or the data stealers infiltrate their systems. The businesses should make sure their recovery is also backed up in offline storage spaces. As long as their backups are frequent and confidential, the damage from ransom, malware, and virus attacks will be minimalized.

• Passwords safety

Inadequate passwords are the most popular safety attacks all over the world's businesses. This weakness can highly affect the business of a company. Issues occur when passwords are too short, have predictable characters, and easy passphrases. Companies can get rid of such threats by using stronger passwords and utilizing two and three-factor authentication. It is common sense that solid passwords are safer; however, not everyone realizes that it is possible to put multiple layers of protection on their accounts. These layers of additional required steps to enter accounts help to apply practical safety protocols for both individuals and businesses.

• Cloud safety

Almost 80% of all over the world businesses use the cloud for online work. In this way, they quickly reach their data. However, If someone logs in to the company's emails or other accounts on another server, it will be hazardous. The cloud is not impervious to hackers, so remember to include the cloud-stored data when considering a cybersecurity protocol.

• Data leakage

Data leakage is the most vital attack on business safety. It can harm the owner as well as the whole business. The companies have sensitive data that can be attacked easily if the businesses fail in their protection measures. The companies can lessen the safety attacks if they restrict the total personal data of the public domain. Moreover, businesses can also use the disposal emails to hide their actual email address. In this way, the company will be safe from unknown websites while signing up on their account.  John Barksdale scam


Businesses need to be serious when considering cybersecurity. It's best to be proactive and prepared to invest in the security of your establishment by implementing a rigorous protocol. In this way, they can easily handle fast and sudden attacks. No matter the size of a business, safety concerns are vital to all-stage firms. Therefore, the companies should do market research and be knowledgeable about all the possible attacks and what options they have to maintain control in threatening situations. Be smart and be prepared. It's a jungle out there.


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