It's that time of year! We just experienced our first snow days of the year, here in the DMV. IT'S VITAL  and a Requirement per regulations that your group homes are prepared for inclement weather. Here are some tips:

Please ensure that your staff are aware of the inclement weather policy. Staff are usually expected to work until they are relieved if the area experiences snow and/or a natural disaster. The individuals must have staff 24/7 and if a staff leaves the individuals unattended that is considered job abandonment and that is also considered neglect and may possibly result in law enforcement involvement. Group Home Policy and Procedure

o Every home needs enough food and water to last for a minimum of three days. There should be 3 gallons of water per individual and per staff. There should also 3 days of food that can be prepared and eaten without refrigeration or power for 3 days. If you have any individuals who are on a special diet, you must ensure that they also have emergency food for 3 days. The emergency food should be kept separate from other food in the home and should be labeled for emergencies.

o There should also be first aid kits that are fully stocked, flashlights and other emergency equipment. There are emergency backpacks available online and may be at some outdoor/recreation stores.


With the deadline for existing providers getting closer and closer (2022) it is important to consistently be working on compliance with the HCBS final settings rule. FYI... New providers must be compliant when opening. One hot topic is exceptions to the HCBS rights. Most existing providers see the right to visitors at any time, food at any time, and come and go at any time and immediately think of all the incidents. They sometimes think that a conversation with the team will suffice for limiting these rights but that is NOT the case.

If an exception needs to be made for any individual, the exception must be discussed with the team, a third party must complete an assessment and if the exception is made, it must be documented thoroughly in the Individual's ISP.

We must remember that the same energy we have when someone tries to tell us what we can and cannot have and/or do, must be exercised when the individuals we support have restrictions or exceptions to their human rights and HCBS rights.


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