Goldendoodle puppies Tennessee


We are a home based breeder and we are not a kennel but a family based breeder with extensive knowledge of over 25 years. Our dogs are a part of our family and roam free on our lush green acreage property. They have lovely personalities, are outgoing, sweet and take well to strangers, children and other dogs. Goldendoodle puppies Tennessee

Puppies are raised indoors with our children and our dogs are our pets.

We dedicate 100% of our time to our doodles and nothing else!

This is not an additional "thing" we do. It is a full time around the clock job we enjoy doing!

 We raise healthy playful and loving Goldendoodle puppies that are socialized and have daily interaction with our family. We take the holistic approach to feeding and vaccination. Puppies will be CKC registered and parents are always on premises. Some puppies will remain here and are picked as therapy dog quality. They will be sold at an older age and have some training- these are what we call "Started Puppies" Goldendoodle reputable breeder Tennessee

​Our commitment is to help you find the perfect pet for your family and we think our Doodles are it!

We sell Premium Goldendoodle puppies at very reasonable and fair prices.


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