7 Simple Car Battery Care Tips


Even the best car batteries tend to show a decline in functionality with the passage of time. But if you are careful enough to apply a few maintenance tips, you may get successful in extending their life and save yourself from untimely expenditures. Following is a cluster of few car battery care tips that may come handy on a regular basis:

Drive Regularly Batteries are known for storing electric charge that results from reaction between chemicals present in them. These chemicals react only when the car is in motion. So, make sure you are driving your car regularly to maintain the level of charge in it.

Regular Engine Servicing Efficiency and stability of engines bear direct relationship with battery’s life. So, to prolong your best car battery’s life keep a check on its engine’s health regularly.

Checking Charging Rates Another major car battery care tip - get your battery’s charging rate checked at your nearby service station regularly. And never forget, both over & under charging reduce battery’s life and violate its warranty.

Keep Away From Draining It Try not to leave your vehicle accessories and equipment on as you get out of it. All these actions drain charge from car batteries and demand frequent recharging. Higher the rate of recharging lower will be its life expectancy.

Significance Of A Clean Battery Case One of the most important car care tips, moisture and dirt are biggest foes of battery life. Keep your battery’s case and terminals free from dirt and dampness as these may lead to breakdown and lessen its life.

Never Avoid Early Warning Signs All machines, including batteries, radiate warning signals as they start degrading. Keep a check on such signs; cranking sounds and short circuits are some of the early signs that indicate need for battery maintenance measures.

Topping Up Water Level In It Even the best car batteries with ‘Low Maintenance’ & ‘Standard’ signs need a specific level of water to function normally.  Ensure that it is always filled with distill water up to the plates.


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