So, you have done your research, spoken with a few reputable clinics done some consultations and you’re now booked in for your scalp treatments many of you might be wondering what do I need to do before the big day so let me cover 5 things to consider before you sit down for your first scalp treatment number. Stretch Mark Cover Up Tattoo

One is to understand what your goal for treatment and more specifically what you want the end result to look like. Reviewing before and after photos and taking screenshots of the one you like are really good idea as well as understanding what machine you want to cut your hair with what hair line style and density you might want to achieve.Your practitioner will definitely help you on the day of your treatment but if you have a good idea of what you want prior it’ll make the process go a lot smoother

Second is to stop using things like Rogaine topic or any other harsh topical products you might be using on the scalp.At least 48 hours prior to coming in this includes removing a hair wig if you currently are wearing this will allow the skin to become more clean and clear and easier for your practitioner to work on on treatment day.

Third is cut your hair if your treatment plan requires you to keep your hair short that is not a bad idea to cut your hair before coming in this will help acclimate you and get you comfortable with the new style and saves a bit of time on the treatment day. Paramedical Tattoo Training Australia

Fourth is to wash and moisturise your scalp on the days and even the weeks leading up to your treatment use a non-irritatingfragrance free soap and moisturiser and do it at least once a day that way your skin is an ideal condition for treatment remember your scalp is our canvas and the nicer the canvas the easier it is to create an amazing result.

Fifth, and a really important one is to eat it might sound like common sense, but many clients come in without having properly eaten or hydrating before their session remember you’re going to be sitting anywhere from an hour and a half to three hours and to make it easier on you it’s important to have something in your system.


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