5 ways Flokzu makes working from home easier


Working from home could be of great use sometimes. Yet on occasions, it may be difficult to ensure that the productivity levels won’t be affected, or that the main processes of the company would continue to work properly. BPM Tool

It is at this moment, that the usage of a BPM software like Flokzu, will make it easy when working from home. Flokzu allows that all the parts involved, continue their work without even a minor inconvenience.

1) Facilitate that the operating processes continue working as they should.

First of all, having the processes established and well defined with the BPMN standard. This helps the ENTIRE organization to know how to run the processes properly. Similarly, we might forget a few details when working from home, and it’s not easy to have a quick answer to “how should it run”.

Besides having the processes established, we also have them automated with BPM Flokzu. We make sure that those processes will always run in the desired way. The BPM engine, will interpret the model (workflow) of the process, and make sure that it always works in the same way. Independently from where the task where completed (home or office), the process will always stay the same.

2) Working from home with tasks and priorities clear.

One of the main difficulties of the home office, or working from home, is to know the task I should do. But even more important is to know when to do every one of them. For this reason, with Flokzu, you can assign any task to a person responsible for it as a part of the automated process. But also, for each task, you can define a due date.

Apart from that, the possibility to complete a task via email makes it easier to work from any given place.

3) Complete access, from any device, from any place.

Flokzu is 100% Responsive. This means that from any device, such as a phone (smartphone), or a tablet, or PC (with a browser), you will have the same experience. And even more important, 100% of the features will be available when you have to work from home.

On some occasions, the apps that are meant to use on a cellphone, which is very comfortable, present fewer features. Probably this is to make them more agile and light-weighted. Nevertheless, to count with 80% of the most used features is not enough when we have to stay for a long period outside the office. That is the moment when we need 100% of features working, to complete all our work in a way that is sustainable over time.

4) Collaboration between members distributed geographically

Before anything else, Flokzu is a collaborative tool. In it, I can define tasks, and assign people of my team to complete them. But furthermore, we can comment on a task, upload attachments, and use templates. These are a few of the features that facilitate the collaboration between people that are distributed geographically, or people who are working from home.

In fact, in this post, we show how to capture the geographic location of the person completing a task. This information could be relevant on occasions when we need to know where the task is being completed (for example, on a “sanitary inspection”)

5) Agility for instrumenting new processes that can be used remotely

Are there still processes that you haven’t established and automated? Instrumenting a project of software development, or instrumenting complex setups when we cannot group the team around a table creates a barrier for instrumenting them. Business Process Reengineering

Flokzu is a low-code / no-code tool. This means that it doesn’t require programming or complex setups to instrument new processes. You could do it now and have them running in hours (not days, nor weeks). In fact, you could have a complete process running. It probably won’t be perfect, but in time you will be able to update it.


Working from home a day or two a week is different from planning to work from home every day for a relatively long time. Therefore, it is necessary to have formalized processes, with the assignment of tasks and their due dates. It is also necessary that people have mobility and full functionality. And most importantly, it is necessary to be able to automate new processes, as well as modify existing ones to adapt them to the new reality. In this way, Flokzu cloud BPM provides relevant value in all these dimensions.


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