Africa hemp CBD


Currently, only 12 countries are reported to allow the growing of industrial hemp in Africa, including Ethiopia, the Kingdom of eSwatini, Ghana, Lesotho, Malawi, Morocco, Rwanda, South Africa, Zambia and Zimbabwe.

Most countries adopted the 0.3% THC standard used in the United States and other countries for hemp plants.  Africa hemp CBD

Although there are very limited quantities of CBD products available in Africa the continent shows off an ever-growing market. One of the main reasons CBD consumer goods are set to increase its popularity in the continent is that Africans are moving to the city. Africa’s population of roughly 1.2 billion is expected to double by 2050 with more than 80% of that growth will live in cities.

“Industrial hemp can be alternative crops to offset contraction of the tobacco market,” says the New Frontier Data report (The Africa Regional Hemp and Cannabis Report: 2019 Industry Outlook). Africa has various advantages including affordable land, low-cost labour and an experienced agricultural workforce. Hemp cultivation business plan

We offer professional hemp CBD business plan templates, including pro forma financials and projections to help you know how much money it will cost to start your business and how much money you can make by starting and operating your 100% legally compliant hemp/CBD business.


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