Blog on go to market strategy


Join me on this episode of the virtual entrepreneur. I am your host Herbert innocent. And if you are new to this podcast, a very warm welcome.

In our previous episode, we talked about the second step in lead generation, and one of the few things that we covered was essentially the process of things that you need to consider such as what you're going to give. So how are you going to build your lead magnet, and we talked a little bit about the process of how you go about creating that lead magnet, the strategy, the mindset, while we didn't create a tactic. Exactly, that's gonna be something we want to tackle.  Blog on go to market strategy

In the coming days, but today I wanted to talk about something to really solidify what we are doing, and that is the go-to marketing strategy because I think lead magnets are perfect and they're beautiful.

But the one thing that I know for sure is, if we don't have a good assessment of the market space, we may create lead magnets that we place out there, but we don't know how to make it work properly. While modeling is perfect. Modeling what works really well. Perfect. Sometimes it helps to have a little bit of knowledge and understanding of the decisions that we make.

So in our last episode, we looked at strategy and how to essentially create your lead magnet.

The process that you need, or the formula, or the recipe that you can use to create that irresistible lead magnet that you can give to your prospect, and we looked at the strategy and the mindset behind it.

So if you're not going to grab the note, if you missed that episode you can go and listen to that. You can pause this one goalless that will come back over here. And if you want the notes from that episode, simply go to Herbert marketing

With that said, let's jump into today's episode where we're going to look at the go-to-market strategy, right, as a business owners, we have to be very very strategic.

Right. we have to be very strategic at how we do things because if we do things is a tactical, it may work, but when it stops working, we won't be able to know why it stopped working, or what it is that we did wrong.

So I forgot who exactly taught me the next few points that I'm going to cover Because I've been learning from so many experts who have actually done quite well.

So I won't be able to cover, but this is something that I learned today and one of the few things that you have to consider is this, you need to create your own strategic map so that you can look at the market space as a landscape.

That's the first thing you want to look at the market space as a landscape. Right. Why, because it is a landscape. Some places have more opportunities, some places don't consider a landscape of a battlefield. Right. the landscape of a battlefield has several advantages.


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