Empower Your Core, Navigating Pelvic Floor Health with Confidence


We often look at the sky scrapers, forgetting the foundations that hold them. That’s what we have been doing coming to women’s health. There are many issues regarding women’s health ranging from irregular periods, bone health, etc,. And among them one of the most overlooked issues when coming to well being in women is the pelvic floor health, which is often ignored and overlooked due to societal norms, pressures and most importantly due to the lack of proper understanding. Hot flashes during menopause treatment

Understanding the Pelvic Floor

Imagine a strong skyscraper standing tall and reaching heights, but what holds the sky scraper is the very foundation it is built on. The pelvic floor works the same, it is like a strong, flexible sheet at the bottom of your pelvis keeping your organs like the bladder, intestines, and the uterus in place and also preventing unwanted leakage. It’s very important and crucial to take care of pelvic floor health in order to maintain a healthy body which inturn leads to a healthy lifestyle. From supporting organ function to promoting continence and even enhancing sexual well-being, a strong and resilient pelvic floor is vital for overall health and quality of life.

How do you maintain pelvic floor health? Simply by incorporating simple exercises, practising good posture, and being mindful of pelvic floor health, you can ensure that this often-overlooked area of the body remains strong and functional for years to come.

Pelvic Floor Dysfunction

We know that the pelvic floor is responsible for holding our organs together, but many women go through difficulties in controlling their bladder leading to bowel incontinence, which refers to the inability to control bowel movements, resulting in unexpected passage of stool. This condition can vary from occasional leakage of stool and gas to complete loss of control over bowel movements. Bladder incontinence and even pelvic organ prolapse, occurs when one or more organs within the pelvis descend from their usual position and protrude into the vagina.

Exercises and Strategies for Preventing Incontinence and maintaining pelvic floor health

Strengthening the pelvic floor muscles enhances the support for the bladder and surrounding structures.

These techniques aid in controlling the anal sphincter muscle during bowel movements. Bowel retraining involves establishing specific times for bowel movements.

For individuals who struggle to discern when to have a bowel movement or face mobility challenges that hinder reaching the toilet independently, a specialised care is essential. They may develop a habit of delaying bowel movements due to difficulty accessing the toilet. To mitigate this issue, assistance should be provided to reach the toilet after meals and when the urge arises. Additionally, ensuring a safe and comfortable bathroom environment is crucial. Menopause hot flash relief

Utilising special pads or undergarments can offer a sense of security for individuals dealing with incontinence when venturing outdoors.


In the light of women’s health, the pelvic floor often remains overshadowed by other pressing issues, much like the unseen foundation beneath towering skyscrapers. Yet, its significance cannot be understated.

The pelvic floor serves as a crucial support system for vital organs, ensuring their proper function and preventing discomfort or embarrassment due to conditions like incontinence or prolapse.


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