10 Ways how inspirational speakers are improving the efficiency of the workforce in Singapore
While every employer on the planet is always looking to improve the efficiency of their workforce this statistics can be shocking to them.
While most modern-day employees are going through workplace stress, mental burnout, and lack of motivation at the workplace, expecting them to perform at their peak can be challenging.
This is exactly where the inspirational speakers come in. They can inspire the audiences, leaving a lasting impact on their listeners.
The “Lion City” Singapore has already witnessed its impact in the corporate space in the last decade. And they are witnessing a significant transformation in employee productivity and efficiency. Speakers Bureau Singapore
Here are 10 ways inspirational speakers are improving the efficiency of the workforce in Singapore.
1. Igniting Passion and Purpose
Stories are something that can be well connected with any person across the globe. Inspirational speakers share their own stories of success and struggles which can resonate with employees very well.
This helps employees connect more deeply with their work aligning with the organization’s vision. This deeper sense of purpose will eventually lead to increased engagement and a more positive workplace culture.
2. Cultivating a Growth Mindset
In today's day and age, if something is not growing, it’s automatically dying. Employees with a growth mindset are no longer a wish but an absolute necessity.
Inspirational speakers emphasize the importance of cultivating the growth mindset for employees, by encouraging continuous learning and development. Speakers are also encouraging employees to embrace challenges strive for excellence and not shy away from difficult tasks.
3. Promoting Emotional Intelligence
Emotional intelligence is often overlooked in the pursuit of higher employee productivity. But, this is one of the most important factors when it comes to higher employee productivity and engagement.
According to a study by Forbes 90% of the top performers at work have higher emotional intelligence (EQ).
Inspirational speakers are well aware of this fact and they stress a lot about this in their speech. One of our speakers Yujin Wong recently shared the story of how Nelson Mandela used his emotional intelligence to build bridges between opposing factions and promote reconciliation in South Africa at a corporate event.
4. Encouraging Resilience and Adaptability
Life often throws curve balls and your workplace is no exception to this. Inspirational speakers step in as coaches of resilience and adaptability helping your team build the mental armor to take on whatever comes their way.
They have a book full of stories of folks who have faced setbacks and bounced back stronger. It’s a kind of superhero origin story but customized for employees.
5. Fostering Collaboration and Teamwork
Teamwork is the most important thing to achieve a common goal. Speakers in Singapore are stressing the importance of collaboration sharing stories of teams that have overcome challenges as a team and achieved remarkable results through effective teamwork.
Speakers foster a culture of collaboration, where they explain the necessity of working as a team to employees. This in turn leads to increased productivity and success for the organization.
6. Enhancing Time Management and Productivity
According to a study by a development academy 82% of people don’t use any time management systems at all.
No employer needs an explanation about the importance of time management for their workforce. But, there is no one-size-fits-all fit-all to address this challenge. Every organization has a unique vision and goals.
7. Inspiring Innovation and Creativity
Encouraging employees to think outside the box is a sure-shot way to a culture of innovation at your workplace.
But, to execute a creative idea on the ground there are a few things that need to be taken care of. Inspirational speakers are aware of these elements and they offer a solution exclusively for this.
8. Boosting Employee Engagement
A disengaged workforce can suck the productivity out of your company like a vampire. Motivational posters at the workplace are not the answer to it every time.
Here are some eye-grabbing statistics: organizations with higher employee engagement rates are 21% more productive. And guess what? Inspirational speakers are engagement ninjas.
9. Improving Employee Well-being
It’s time to stop neglecting the mental health of the workforce. Speakers are addressing this as a priority in their list.
Think about it: sleep-deprived, burned-out employees are like productivity black holes in an organization. We don’t need to throw any statistics around this to prove the importance of employee wellbeing.
10. Future-proofing the Workforce
The answer to growth hacking your organization to the next level is not replacing your team with robots (yet), it’s upskilling them.
Present-day inspirational speakers are tech and trend ninjas who have a better vision of upcoming trends and necessary skills that will be in high demand. Tech Speaker Singapore
When we are living in times where skills learned yesterday may become obsolete tomorrow, it’s very important to have foresight about the evolution of the business landscape. Inspirational speakers are pressing on this and they have some of the most detailed information about the upcoming needs for any organization.
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